Monday, May 8, 2017


Speaking of New Digital Economy, mobile technology is a very relevant term to be talked along. The existence of New Digital Economy cannot be talked alone without mobile technology. The digital economy today can be well spread and fully functional because there is a help from a technology that 24/7 attaches with people. Without any involvement of mobile technology, the idea of New Digital Technology would never work in the market since the market is massive and there’s a need for technology that can facilitate the market users to be functional in the New Digital Economy, and the facilitating technology we meant is mobile technology.
According to Andry Alamsyah Smart Economy has two definitions. First Smart Economy is a large information that increase the probability of citizens in doing economy activity effectively. Second definition of Smart Economy is the business activities that reduce operational cost, procure product, and deliver services in order to sustain the business in the market. Information and Communication Technology is a crucial tool and plays important roles to support smart economy. In this era, new generation is very active in using social media in their daily life even they use social media to establish the business then it emerges a lot of technopreneurs which have an impact to the economy itself.
By using technologies, everything will be easier then today, many citizens have used advance technology such as smart phone that have large network and can do everything only by using their smart phone. My idea about smart economy is digital supermarket.

Digital Supermarket
Digital Supermarket consists of a lot technology such as smart refrigerator, internet connection, scanner and so on. When we stock 20 eggs in the smart refrigerator then after two weeks the eggs are only 4, smart refrigerator must restock the egg by interconnecting with digital supermarket. Then digital supermarket will deliver egg to the home.
·         Benefits:

1.      Business Activities:
v  The company of digital supermarket does not need a lot of employees and it will reduce operational cost.
v  The machine or technology will work effectively and efficiently rather than compared to human.
v  The company can give the best services to its customers because the company can fulfill what customers want quickly.
2.      Customers:
Customers are more productive because they can do other jobs in the home rather than go to supermarket to buy what they need because they only need to wait the products come to them while they can do anything such as finish the homework or final project, focus on online business, take care of children in the home, etc.

In conclusion, Digital supermarket has to be established in order to support the development of smart city and it also has an impact to the economy activities which are the citizens will have better life in term of quality and happiness.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Importance of ICT in Education


TITLE            : Importance of ICT in Education
AUTHOR      : Department of Education, University of Jammu
YEAR             : 2013
ABSTRACT  : This paper is a mere attempt to present a glimpse of meaning of ICT, its importance & its mandatory need for education, which is indispensable.ICT stands for INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY .These technologies include: computers, the Internet, Broadcasting technologies (radio and television), Telephony.
To accurately understand the importance of ICT in Education there is need to actually understand the meaning of ICT.ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a ―diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information. The Internet is a driving force for much development and innovation in both developed and developing countries. Countries must be able to benefit from technological developments. To be able to do so, a cadre of professionals has to be educated with sound ICT backgrounds, independent of specific computer platforms or software environments. Technological developments lead to changes in work and changes in the organization of work, and required competencies are therefore changing. Gaining in importance are the following competencies: critical thinking, generalist (broad) competencies, ICT competencies enabling expert work, decision-making, handling of dynamic situations, working as a member of a team, and Communicating effectively.
There are two very different and distinct aspects of ICT in education:
1.      One is teaching ICT itself, and
2.      The second is using ICT as an augmented tool to the existing teaching methods which is more important; it will be very useful if the people study from MCSE, CCNA, CompTIA, IBM, and Ctirix.
The main purpose of the Strategy for Information and Communication Technology Implementation in Education is to provide the prospects and trends of integrating information and communication technology (ICT) into the general educational activities. There are some unavoidable facts in the modern education:
·         First, the ICT has been developing very rapidly nowadays. Therefore, in order to balance it, the whole educational system should be reformed and ICT should be integrated into educational activities.
·         Second, the influence of ICT, especially internet (open source tool) cannot be ignored in our student‘s lives. So, the learning activities should be reoriented and reformulated, from the manual source centered to the open source ones. In this case the widely use of internet access has been an unavoidable policy that should be anticipated by schools authorities.
·         Third, the presence of multimedia games and online games by internet has been another serious problem that should be wisely handled by the educational institutions. The students cannot be exterminated from this case. They can have and do with it wherever and whenever they want.
·         Fourth, the implementation of ICT in education has not been a priority trend of educational reform and the state paid little attention to it. Therefore, there should be an active participation, initiative and good will of the schools and the government institutions to enhance ICT implementation at school.
·         Fifth, the teachers should be the main motivator and initiator of the ICT implementation at schools. The teachers should be aware of the social change in their teaching activities. They should be the agent of change from the classical method into the modern one. They must also be the part of the global change in learning and teaching modification.

The followings are the aim and objectives of ICT implementation in education:
1)      To implement the principle of life-long learning / education.
2)      To increase a variety of educational services and medium / method.
3)      To promote equal opportunities to obtain education and information.
4)      To develop a system of collecting and disseminating educational information.
5)      To promote technology literacy of all citizens, especially for students.
6)      To develop distance education with national contents.
7)      To promote the culture of learning at school (development of learning skills, expansion of optional education, open source of education, etc.)
8)      To promote the culture of learning at school (development of learning skills, expansion of optional education, open source of education, etc.)\

ICTs Help Improve the Quality of Education
Improving the quality of education and training is a critical issue, particularly at a time of educational expansion. ICTs can enhance the quality of education in several ways:
§  By increasing learner motivation and engagement,
§  By facilitating the acquisition of basic skills, and
§  By enhancing teacher training. ICTs are also transformational tools which when used appropriately, can promote the shift to a learner-centered environment.

CONCLUSION         :

Support of school administrators and, in some cases, the community, is critical if ICTs are to be used effectively. In addition, teachers must have adequate access to functioning computers (or other technologies) and sufficient technical support. Shifting pedagogies, redesigning curriculum and assessment tools, and providing more autonomy to local schools all contribute to the optimal use of ICTs in education. Very few strong examples of integration of ICT into classroom teaching learning is visible, though some schools do use the audio visual aids and integrate teaching of some lessons. Largely however, even where ICT is used in the classes, it is usually as an information source and not a part of core learning process.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Deloitte’s Report on Facebook’s Global Economic Impact

1.      How does Social Network Analysis play an important role in shaping

a.       Users behavior in terms of conducting businesses
Facebook facilitates economic activities than have an impact to the users behavior as it:
·         Allows new and traditional business all over the world to reach customers locally, nationally, and globally.
·         Reduces barriers to marketing by helping businesses of all sizes raise awareness of their brands and find people most likely to be interested in their products and services.
·         Support entrepreneurship by providing a way for businesses to promote their activities.
·         Enables new ecosystems such as the app economy that stimulate innovation and generate jobs.
·         Increase demand for mobil devices and internet services that carry positive spill-overs to other parts of the economy.

b.      The economic outcome locally and globally?
Facebook connects more than 1.35 billion people with their friends and families around the world, and helps them discover new products and services from local and global business. It is a catalyst for economic activity in ecosystems composed of marketers, app developers, and providers of connectivity. Facebook enabled $227 billion of economic impact and 4.5 million jobs globally in 2014. Facebook’s business model focuses on tools that allow business to reach new and existing customers through pages and advertising. These tools help business to grow the sales and ultimately employ more people. This broad economic impact enables far more revenue and jobs for global and local economies than Facebook’s own company operations.

2.      Explain the implementation of SMART concepts in integrating Facebook services into a company’s business (Specific, Measureable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-Related)

a.       Specific (the exact outcome to be achieved for the period)
In 2014 more than 1.35 billion people around the world log into Facebook at least once a month, a 14% increase compared to a year ago. More than 83% of people active on the platform log in via their mobile devices and many of them return to check their News feed multiple times a day.

b.      Measurable (units of accuracy, timeliness, completeness, quality, quantity rate or cost used to determine progress and achievement)
In the United States, Facebook accounts for nearly 20% of all time spent on mobile. Altogether people on Facebook represent the largest audience in the world that is reachable on a single platform. Through its wide reach and high user engagement, Facebook provides business of all sizes and technical sophistication with a significant opprtunity to speak directly with their customers.

c.       Assignable (so that the objective can be achieved (but stretching) within the scope of the role, skills and capabilities with appropriate effort and motivation)
As of June 2014, more than 30 million small and medium businesses have established a Facebook page, and more than 1.5 million companies actively use Facebook’s targeted advertising system to reach potential customers. The number of active advertisers has grown by more five hundred thousand since 2013.

d.      Realistic (so that the objective states the individual’s share of the work to be done for the department)
Facebook has become a hub that democratizes marketing and it facilitates economic activity for businesses of all sizes.
Marketing: use marketing platform to connect with consumers and build brand value then have impact in the developer app economy and create the sale of mobile devices and internet connectivity.
The new economic activity enabled through Facebook’s emergence and growth in the relevant ecosystems.

e.       Time-related (so that the objective has a realistic time frame for completion)
In order to attribute Time-related value to Facebook, the results of the study estimate the economic activity enabled by Facebook after deducting pre-existing activity estimated to have been displaced.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sharing Economy and Healthcare Today: ICT, Knowledge, Skills, Projects, Practical Experience in Improving Clinical and Economic Outcomes

Author                         : Luisetto M

Name of journal          : Journal of Business & Financial Affairs

Objective                     : The aim of this work was to analyze the relationship between professional social media use and the healthcare in sharing economy time when used in healthcare field and specifically in pharmaceutical settings.

The Analysis and My Idea about This Journal

v  Technology has the ability to heavy transform the way we works with more efficiency and effectiveness

The innovation introduced with biomedical databases has improved work areas by using tools  such as Internet, search engines and professional social media in sharing economy. These have brought a great development in the way of rapidly connecting with the professionals. Technology are playing a crucial role today healthcare through this rapid development. For example, LinkedIn, Slide share, Research gate, PubMed, YouTube, NCBI, Facebook, Skype etc. These have really brought a revolutionary change in the field.

v  Using sharing economy instruments we can reduce healthcare costs, reduce time and improving clinical outcomes

There is an improvement in some clinical outcomes when using the instruments today such as ICT, Management, Professional Social Media, and Sharing Economy are improving in clinical outcomes and also reducing therapy errors or reducing recovery days.  It will improve patient quality of life. The reduction in healthcare cost can be obtained using sharing economy instruments is a great economic outcome to obtain in actual economic cycle.

v  Communications between professionals in different hospitals, sharing practical experience and clinical cases, way to improve clinical outcomes or to reduce healthcare costs represent real facts in sharing economy time

v  Patients are extremely interested to be under the hands of Clinical and really updates with the best practice or to be treated with the best technologies

Patients like to have the right information in order to choose the best clinical options using the web healthcare information database for example sharing image data or others that can attract patient to choose certain clinic and when they were diseased they will choose the those clinic to be treated by professionals.

v  There is the need to improve the healthcare systems

Management and ICT instruments must be added in clinical and pharmacy care working activities. ICT instruments can give relevant contribute in management systems and in the same way Professional social media can be considered today as a useful tool for a new kind of biomedical database.

v  Social media will play a crucial role in healthcare.

Social media as ICT has brought a great spectrum of efficacy in healthcare as in other working field. It is very simple to say but it is interesting and the economics results can be obtained in more rapid way. There is a need to have new tools and instruments as scientific social network that add the different characteristics of the social media, biomedical database and other technologies existing today in to have a more useful instrument. For instace, I think that a new scientific social media could make easy to find researchers, and professionals related to patients and the society needs.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


1.     Business Model

Business Model of Starbuck is Business to Customers (B2C). Starbucks started setting up outlets which were a combination of retail coffee bean and an espreso coffee. Starbucks built a brand trough its employee and each of its retail outlets were customers friendly and provide a high leve of service. The store sold fresh-roasted, gourmet coffee beans and brewing, and roasting accessoris. Fresh espreso beverages, cold blended beverages, a wide range of whole bean coffees, food items that complemented coffee, and other merchandise related to coffee were retailde trough these store. Starbucks is getting bigger and expand the market, and Starbucks offered a varieties of coffees, tea drinks, fruit smoothies, ice cream, and its own range of breakfast snacks, plus franchised merchandise like T-shirts, book and music, its chief revenue earner was the premium coffee.

2.     B-web Models

v  Objective

Exchange information, goods, and services.

Starbucks sell varieties product but not only products like beverages and foods also the services like wifi and free internet. Starbuck aslo can be a place to exchange information or place to have meeting between people.

v  Characteristics

Targeted supplier selection, process optimization, product integration, innovation, network optimization.

With suggestion provided by the customers, it could be customized by adding more milk, more coffee, replacing milk with soy milk, adjusting the intensity and the sweetness.

v  Customer Role

Buyer, supplier, and market participant.

Starbucks become the first consumer brand to have 10 million fans on facebook and was ranked no.1 in online engagement. Starbucks continued to provide its unique experiences to customers even if they were away from retal location, by remaining connected with them through the social media.

v  Benefit

Comfortable products and services, creative and mutual products and services, just in time delivery.

Starbucks is highly popular in the social media with million of fans and there are more than 200 facebook pages. Starbucks engaged with customers in multiple ways through social media. Through social media starbucks reinforced and deepened its relationship with existing customers. Not only that, as several users of social media are the younger age group. Starbucks are a view in the future, they will become its loyal customers.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Civitas means community in Latin. When we join the Civitas, we are working with hundreds of forward-thinking leaders in a dynamic community that is transforming higher education. It helps strengthen the connections including via annual Summit and meetings, research, expert consulting services and The Civitas Learning Space. Civitas Learning was conceived as a community of practice, bringing together forward-thinking leaders from diverse higher education institutions to leverage insight and action analytics in their ongoing efforts to help students learn well and finish strong.

On my opinion there are several other factors that can influence academic performance and help students to learn well and finish strong. These other factors that are known to influence academic performance such as student motivation, socioeconomic status, and attendance is required. Gender, age, learning preferences, and entry qualifications did not cause any significant variation in the academic performance of students.  The ability to use analytics to look at students at an individual level can help them develop better pathways that will help them move through the university and reach graduation in a timely manner. But most importantly, they are completely committed to working together with the team for success. One of many powerful advantages to working with a Student Success Platform is it empowers cross functional teams to take informed action, regardless of their individual expertise with analytics.

The Platform, Insights Engine and apps provide deep and broad institution-specific data and derived models that reflect the current and future state of institution and students. Working with this Platform and infrastructure, colleges and universities are dramatically improving student success. If Student Success is a team sport, elevated advising and teaching is what happens when the administration, advisors and faculty stop playing defense and go on offense to help students. With Civitas Learning, “elevated advising and teaching” means a coordinated approach, with all players sharing clear, predictive insights specific to the institution so that the team can make the most of every student engagement and students can own their academic journeys.

Civitas Learning is helping to shine a light on those pathways, while strengthening the symbiotic relationship between student demand and institution efficiency. Civitas Learning supports institutions’ efforts in thoughtful curricular design and pathway articulation. Civitas Learning enables institutions to know, with precision, which initiatives are working and for whom. Equipped with the ability to measure the impact of their efforts and with Civitas Learning, speed and accuracy go hand-in-hand.

Today’s students don’t look like the four-year, full-time students of yesterday. One thing that remains the same however, is their desire to earn a degree that doesn’t bury them in debt and which prepares them for a rewarding career. Civitas Learning is empowering students to make informed decisions about their future, create a plan for success and stick to it. Students understand the impacts of their degree choices, find clarity in a term-by-term course roadmap and easily balance life with their class schedule. Through timely and relevant outreach, institutions are strengthening relationships with students and reminding them that they are not alone on this journey.

Monday, January 30, 2017



The digital economy is the new productivity platform that some experts regard as the third industrial revolution. Sometimes referred to as the Internet Economy or Internet of Everything (IoE), this digital revolution is expected to generate a wealth of new market growth opportunities and jobs, and become the biggest business opportunity in the next 30 to 40 years.

Mobile technology is one of the megatrends that has been identified as a game-changer. A mobile technology enabler for enterprises, today announced its deployment for the business. The company make the upgrade to improve performance of its relational database system and to position itself for continued business growth through enabling mobile technologies for enterprises. Technology will benefit more effective tools for managing large amounts of data and providing customers with the most optimal services.

In new digital economy era, The company has seen an increase in productivity and operational efficiency:

Ø  Improved Performance and Availability

The company has enabled advance technology to split each database table across multiple physical devices, increasing query execution speeds by up to 100 percent. And with a combination of Data Mirroring and a failover configuration will improve the availability of its databases.

Ø  Reduced Hardware Requirements

Most of company manage about 3.8 terabytes of data and has up to 200 users querying this data simultaneously. The size of uncompressed in-production data remains the same, but the company has seen a 50 percent reduction in the size of compressed backup database files.

Ø  Easier Administration

The combination of an improved user interface, enhanced management tools and simpler maintenance procedures help database administrators increase productivity and efficiency. For example, IntelliSense is an auto-suggest/auto-complete feature that assists administrators when entering commands. And Data Collector identifies tables that are sluggish and offers configuration recommendations to improve their performance.

Five ways technology can help the economy:

1.      Direct Job Creation

The ICT sector is expected to remain, one of the largest employers. In the US, computer and information technology jobs are expected to grow by 22% up to 2020, creating 758,800 new jobs. In Australia, building and running the new super-fast National Broadband Network will support 25,000 jobs annually.

2.      Contribution to GDP Growth

Findings from various countries confirm the positive effect of ICT on growth. For example, a 10% increase in broadband penetration is associated with a 1.4% increase in GDP growth in emerging markets. In China, this number can reach 2.5%. The doubling of mobile data use caused by the increase in 3G connections boosts GDP per capita growth rate by 0.5% globally. The Internet accounts for 3.4% of overall GDP in some economies. Most of this effect is driven by e-commerce.

3.      Emergence of New Services and Industries

Numerous public services have become available online through mobile phones. The transition to cloud computing is one of the key trends for modernization. The government of Moldova is one of the first countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to shift its government IT infrastructure into the cloud and launch mobile and e-services for citizens and businesses.

4.      Workforce Transformation

Help to divide tasks into small components that can then be outsourced to contract workers. The contractors are often based in emerging economies. ICT has also contributed to the rise of entrepreneurship, making it much easier for self-starters to access best practices, legal and regulatory information, marketing and investment resources.

5.      Business Innovation

More than 95% of businesses have an online presence. The Internet provides them with new ways of reaching out to customers and competing for market share. Over the past few years, social media has established itself as a powerful marketing tool. ICT tools employed within companies help to streamline business processes and improve efficiency. The unprecedented explosion of connected devices throughout the world has created new ways for businesses to serve their customers.

The Role of Government as an Enabler:

·         Investing in affordable and ubiquitous high-speed broadband

·         Acting as an exemplar by digitising government services and opening government data sets

·         Investing in science and research and promoting innovation

·         Enabling Australians to protect themselves so they can go online securely and safely

·         Engaging internationally to harness global opportunities

·         Flexible regulatory frameworks


Thursday, January 19, 2017




1.      According to wikipedia Digital economy refers to an economy that is based on digital computing technologies. The digital economy is also sometimes called the Internet Economy, the New Economy, or Web Economy.

2.      According to Australian Government, new digital economy is the global network of economic and social activities that are enabled by information and communications technologies, such as the internet, mobile and sensor networks. This includes conducting communications, financial transactions, education, entertainment and business using computers, phones and other devices.

3.      According to Thomas Mesenbourg (2001), three main components of the 'Digital Economy' concept can be identified:

·         E-business infrastructure (hardware, software, telecoms, networks, human capital, etc.),

·         E-business (how business is conducted, any process that an organization conducts over computer-mediated networks),

·         E-commerce (transfer of goods, for example when a book is sold online).


Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos. Bezos left his employment as vice-president of D. E. Shaw & Co., a Wall Street firm, and moved to Seattle. He began to work on a business plan for what would eventually become In September 1994, Bezos purchased the URL and briefly considered naming his online store Relentless, but friends told him the name sounded a bit sinister. The company went online as in 1995. Bezos selected the name “Amazon” by looking through the dictionary. "Amazon" was a place that was "exotic and different" just as he planned for his store to be.


Amazon is an American electronic commerce and cloud computing company, founded on July 5, 1994, by Jeff Bezos and based in Seattle, Washington. It is the largest Internet-based retailer in the world by total sales and market capitalization. started as an online bookstore, later diversifying to sell DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, video downloads/streaming, MP3 downloads/streaming, audiobook downloads/streaming, software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys, and jewelry.

Today’s digital field allows firms to quickly become global competitors. Unlike most traditional companies in advanced economies whose growth strategies are difficult to become the big competitors for the others companies.

Amazon’s technology today is very good. Amazon applies new digital economy to the business itself in order to wider the market and increasing the revenue by considering the cost. The company also produces consumer electronics, Amazon Kindle e-readers, Fire tablets, and Fire TV(the world's largest provider of cloud infrastructure services). Amazon also sells certain low-end products like USB cables.

To operate in a fast-changing marketplace, firms are moving away from strict hierarchical decision-making and closer to a network structure that is more market-like and organic, not unlike the internet itself. The challenge for today is to create an organization that maintains the advantages of size to stay ahead of competitors.

Although the benefits will be significant, applying digital technology to the business and come up with new digital economy won’t be easy. There are indication that the complexity of existing infrastructure makes transformation impractical and firms lack the visionary skills to define the right strategy.

As the digital economy expands, not only Amazon that can implement new digital technology to the business but all firms can implement and create new digital economy. For sustaining the business from the competitors there are a number of actions that should be considered to succeed in a future with uncertainty:

1.      Remember that every company today can be a digital competitor.

Advances in cloud computing have made technology far more accessible, both for customer-facing and back-office operations. It is no longer necessary to make massive investments in proprietary systems. The rise of on-demand computing has greatly reduced the capital costs. Be prepared for small companies that can compete by leveraging new hardware and software with minimal fixed investment.

2.      Think innovatively about innovation

Innovation is no longer just about making new discoveries. In a global economy, companies need to re-evaluate the way they approach product and service development. Executives may discover new approaches to organization and process innovation to cut costs and boosted sales. Such thinking can drive greater efficiencies and performance across the firm.

3.      Embed social media into all parts of your business

Many executives still do not understand the various uses of social media. Social media is a versatile tool that can improve product development, facilitate internal collaboration, mitigate risks and boost customer sales and retention. In today’s networked environment, customers follow the advice of online colleagues far more readily than corporate marketing messages.